Hate that burns
Anyone who speaks hate against others shares accountability for the violence that happens in this country. Hateful words are poison that kill the mind and shrivel the heart.
Damage done to generation after generation of young eyes that seek validation from venom tipped tongues. Venom that spreads like a pandemic worse than Covid, worse than any vile disease that touches the body of man.
There will never be true peace and prosperity while the venom festers. Burning in the hearts of the young who look up to the bitter, their vile mouths speaking death. We must stop the spread of this poison.
The young son, the elder mother, the best friend, the vocal coworker. Their venom must be sucked out of the veins. Stopped in its tracks with an intentional act of love, the firm voice and clear statement that hate is not okay.
If you believe in this time that it is still okay to remain silent. You are part of the problem. Become the solution. Hate begets hate begets hate. Stop the cycle of violence because of skin tone, gender or sexual orientation.
We all bleed the same colored blood. Never forget that we are all created equal in the eyes of God. That is not simply a text in an ancient paper but a truth that drives our purpose. Drain the poison, save a live, we owe it to our future.